Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to deal with infected hernia meshes?

Hernia mesh complications can take a toll on the patient’s entire life. Among these complications, infected hernia meshes require aggressive treatment as well as very painful surgery. The given write-up tries to discuss some of the issues faced by the victims of infected meshes.

The hernia is the bulging of the tissues through the weaker sections of the abdomen wall. Usually, the patients are kept under watchful observation to monitor the progress of the disease. In case the hernia ruptures or progresses to cause organ strangulation, hernia mesh surgery is required.

According to the severity of the disease, the surgeon might opt for either open surgery or laparoscopic procedure. In open surgery, the doctor opens up the hernia sac (close to the groin). The displaced intestinal tissues are identified and pushed back into their original position. Next, the doctor reinforces the area with a synthetic mesh.

In the laparoscopic procedure, a small stent of the telescope is inserted through the belly button. The device is used to examine the extent of damage caused by the hernia. Next, a small incision is made in the inner lining of the abdomen wall to reveal the compromised site. The polypropylene device is inserted and secured to strengthen the walls of the abdomen. Lastly, the surgeon closes the cut with surgical tape.

Hernia mesh infection

Each year around 90 million patients undergo these procedures to fix their hernia. Unfortunately, a huge percentage of patients among them have endured multiple complications after the surgery. The complications include:
  • Tremendous pain in the abdomen
  • Nerve damage
  • Formation of adhesion
  • Mesh rejection
  • Infection
  • Bowel obstruction or difficulty in passing gas or stool
  • Mesh migration

Most of these complications require reparative surgeries to fix the injuries caused by the implant. Among these complications, probably hernia mesh infection is most difficult to treat. It cannot be treated simply with antibiotics.

In some cases, the doctors have to remove a part or entire mesh to stop the infection from spreading to other parts of the body. Along with it, the patient is administered intravenous antimicrobial treatments. The entire episode could be are very painful, and potentially risky for the victim.


Complications arising from the surgical mesh side-effects can take a heavy toll on the patient’s life. The entire course of treatment could be very risky, and expensive. Are you enduring the complications associated with these medical devices? Then, you need to come forward with your story. The legal firm, Mesh Hernia Lawsuit, can help you in getting justice and compensation for your troubles. For more information, visit or call (855)-817-3922.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

2 Things Yet to Know About Hernia Meshes

One of the most frequently conducted surgical procedures, hernia mesh surgery, carries multiple risks. Most patients are unaware of these complications like chronic pain and bowel obstruction, which can completely deteriorate their quality of life.

A substantial number of victims suffer from long-term complications after the procedure. According to studies, most sufferers of the surgical product endure muscle and nerve damages, leading to discomfort while moving. Although the synthetic meshes are comparatively better than the traditional methods for fixing the hernia, they are prone to irritate the nerves.

Like these facts, there are several other things that patients are unaware of regarding the mesh device and the hernia repair surgery. Let’s look at some of these factors

1. Hernia recurrence is possible after mesh surgery

Most surgeons recommend hernia surgery involving polypropylene meshes, as they are considered more effective in preventing hernia recurrences. However, a huge number of patients experience hernia recurrences after the procedure within a short period.

2. Mesh product can entangle with internal organs

There have been cases when the mesh product gets detached from its intended position and entangles with the nearby nerves, or worse perforates the intestine.

Most patients, who experience these issues, need constant support and care putting extra pressure on their finances. According to legal experts, these financial burdens can be considered as damages caused by hernia mesh and patients can ask for compensation on this ground. Victims can contact Mesh Hernia Lawsuits, at or call (855) 817-3922, to know more.